Please save your files in this format when submitting for compliance.

Client name first then the RMAI number and then the senior agent’s name that will be paid on the file.

Example below.


Doe, Jane RMAI-202020 John Smith

Commission that has not yet been paid out?

Ensure that you have already sent the file to and that you have received an email in return stating file complete. If not, follow up regarding the file first.

File is compliant, and closed with still no payment? Send an email to with this form filled out and attached.

Payroll commission slips are sent out each Friday, r
eview your slips once received.

The cut off time to notify head office for any errors or discrepancies is Monday mornings before 9:00am. Notify Estrela Medeiros or Anne Doyle before the cut off time regarding the payroll deposits to your accounts.