Email Options
Mail Forward
At RMA you are provided with a free mail forwarding email address. There are three options to how you can have it set up.
With this free email, all mail directed to the RMA address will forward directly to your mailbox of choice. (Hotmail, Gmail, etc) So when you login to your personal email address all the mail that was sent to your email address will appear in that mailbox. If you want to keep it separate from your personal email, you are advised to create a new free mailbox (Hotmail or Gmail ect) that the RMA email can be directed to. To have your RMA emails directed to a new mailbox simply email and it can be updated for you at no cost.
POP3 Mailbox
If you do not want to have a mail forwarding email, RMA does offer a POP3 mailbox option. There is a yearly fee of $95.00. This can be changed at anytime. If you choose this option, simply email and request it. You have three options on how to set up your email address:
A POP3 mailbox is a mail account with your own unique email address using your own domain name. Mail is addressed to this mailbox and messages sent to you accumulate in your mailbox on our servers until you access it. You can access your messages on our server using one of two methods: a mailreader application (a software program such as Outlook, Outlook Express, Thunderbird, MacMail, etc.) installed on your own computer, or via one of many webmail utilities that are accessed from a web browser (such as Internet Explorer, Mozilla, Firefox, Safari, Opera, etc.). Both access methods have similar functions: you can read/delete/save/reply to messages you’ve received or create new messages to send out.
There is an important concept regarding your POP3 Mailbox: whether received messages are left on the server or not. When messages accumulate, they are consuming disk space on the server and count against your quota. Unless you have large attachments or lots of emails, this is usually not a problem. However, it is wise to keep your mailbox fairly clean since you may need to have room someday to receive a large attached file, and often as is human nature, we keep things that we no longer need and then forget what they were.
There are several cases for “if” and “how” messages are kept or not kept in your server mailbox, depending on your situation and program settings you’ve chosen.
- If you use webmail: Your messages remain until you explicitly delete them. (Most webmail utilities have a recycle bin from which you can recover deleted messages, but you need to empty the recycle bin from time to time.) The act of accessing the list of messages in your inbox does not delete them, nor does just reading the email message.
- If you use Outlook (or another mailreader application program such as Thunderbird): Your application will access your server mailbox and transfer any new messages that have arrived into your inbox on your own computer. At the time that the newly arrived messages are being transferred to your own computer, your application has the option of “leaving messages on server” or deleting the messages from the server. Most people choose to not “leave messages on server” so that their own computer has the only copy of messages and nothing accumulates on the server for you to worry about later.